Office of the Fire Chief

Sean deMetropolis
Fire Chief

About Us

The Office of the Fire Chief provides overall management of the fire protection and life safety resources necessary to maintain an effective level of service to the community. The work of the Orange City Fire Department implements the Public Safety Element of the City of Orange General Plan.

The Fire Chief maintains the command to appoint Officers, Firefighters, Paramedics, Investigators, Inspectors, and other members in order to execute the mission of the Fire Department. Emphasis is placed on providing highly responsible and strategic technical staff, organizational vision, planning and safety. 

Contact Us

(714) 288-2501 Chief’s Office
(714) 633-1313 Non-Emergency
(714) 744-6035 Fax

Andrea Brooks
Executive Assistant to the Chief
(714) 288-2531

Fire Administration
1176 East Chapman Avenue | Orange, CA 92866 

Monday – Thursday
7:00AM - 6:00PM

Orange City Fire Then and Now

  • 2020 – Sean P. deMetropolis (September 2020 - Present)

    2019 – Christopher M. Boyd (May 2019 - September 2020)

    2018 – Douglas J. Fackiner (September 2018 - May 2019)

    2015 – Jack L. Thomas (August 2015 - September 2018)

    2010 – Patrick J. Dibb (July 2010 - August 2015)

    2006 – Bart Lewis (November 2006 - July 2010)

    1998 – Vincent Bonacker (January 1998 - June 2006)

    1997 – Richard Dittberner (March 1997 - December 1997)

    1995 – Robert Clevenger (September 1995 - May 1997)

    1994 – David Rudat (September 1994 - September 1995)

    1991 – Edward Rowlett (December 1991 - June 1994)

    1984 – Martel Thompson (July 1984 - December 1991)

    1981 – Richard Minor (November 1981 - March 1984)

    1976 – Harold Bougher (November 1976 - July 1981)

    1963 – Floyd D. Higgins (May 1963 - November 1976)

    1952 – George Horton

    1919 – Alonzo L. Tomblin (1919 - 1951)

    1916 – W E Clement

    1905 – E T. Parker

  • Establishment and Fees

    The Orange City Fire Department was born on December 14, 1905, at a meeting of the City's Fire and Water Committee to organize a volunteer fire department. Volunteers were required to purchase shares of the "Company" for $100. Twenty-nine men purchased shares and were then placed on the rolls of the Orange Volunteer Fire Department. The "Orange Volunteer Fireman's Mutual Association," a forerunner of today's Orange City Fire Fighters, was formed, and. ET. Parker and Ed Cope were elected Chief and Assistant Chief, respectively. Drills were held every Monday evening. The volunteers were paid 50 cents a call if they didn't have to use water to extinguish the blaze, and $1 if they did. They were also paid $1 per false alarm.

    Competitive Spirit

    The first few years saw some pitched battles over which of the local cowboys, as the volunteers were known, would be the ones to pull the ladder wagon or hose cart to the fire. Hearing the fire alarm bells, they would race to the Fire Hall, fighting each other to see who would be first.

    The Early Years

    The department was housed in the Fire Hall, which was built for them at 122 S. Olive Street in 1906 and cost $467.

    The Fire Hall's most noteworthy feature was its 40-foot bell tower. The volunteers actually owned the Fire Hall and contracted with the City for its use. They answered calls with a horse-drawn hook and ladder and 2 hand-drawn carts.

    In 1912 the winds of change were felt when the department acquired a Seagrave pumper, the City's first motor-driven fire apparatus. In 1914, they acquired their first paid fireman, William Vickers, who was hired by the city to serve as a driver. Fireman Vickers lived upstairs at the Fire Hall for $8 a month rent. He was on duty round the clock until 1917 when D.C. "Doc" Squires was hired to spell him.

    Fire Alarm System

    In 1913, the first fire alarm system was introduced to the City. It consisted of 15 telegraph boxes which were installed around Orange. At Dittmer's Mission pharmacy, residents could obtain a small chart showing the location of all the City's fire alarm boxes. This system remained in use until 1964.

    The Fire Hall was used as the fire department's headquarters until November 1935 when a new facility was opened at 153 S Olive. The Fire Hall was then used as a senior center, but to the chagrin of the department, it eventually burned down. The current headquarters is located on Grand Avenue between Almond and Chapman and has been in use since its dedication on May 9, 1969.

    Fire Engines and Other Vehicles

    The first motorized fire engine in Orange County, an American LaFrance fire truck capable of pumping 1000 gallons a minute, was purchased for $13,000 by the Orange Fire Department in 1921. In 1934, the firemen built the first rescue truck and put it into service. That year, the Orange City Fire Department handled 18 fires.

    First Fire Chief

    The City's first full-time fire chief, Chief George Horton, was hired originally in 1925 as a volunteer firefighter and was promoted to fire chief in 1952. Chief Horton was instrumental in leading the department into the early expansion and changeover from volunteer to fully paid.

    First Paid Staff

    By 1966, the last 6 volunteers of the Orange City Fire Department retired and the department became a fully paid entity. In 1973, Orange became one of the first fire departments in Orange County to provide paramedic rescue service.

  • 1906

    The fire department was housed in the Fire Hall built for $467 and located at:

    122 South Olive Street

    Orange, CA 92866

    The volunteers actually owned the Fire Hall and contracted with the city for its use. They answered calls with a horse-drawn hook and ladder and 2 hand-drawn carts. But in 1912, the department acquired a Seagrave pumper, the city's first motor-driven fire apparatus.


    The first fire alarm system was introduced to the City. It consisted of 15 telegraph boxes which were installed around Orange. This system remained in use until 1964.


    They acquired their first paid fireman, William Vickers, who lived upstairs at the Fire Hall for $8 a month rent. He was on duty round the clock until 1917 (3 years!!!) when D.C. "Doc" Squires was hired to spell him.

    The Fire Hall was used as the fire department's headquarters until November 1935 when a new facility was opened at:

    153 S. Olive Street

    Orange, CA 92866


    The first motorized fire engine in Orange County, an American LaFrance fire truck capable of pumping 1000 gallons a minute, was purchased for $13,000 by the Orange Fire Department. It is affectionately referred to as "ALF." The City's first full-time fire chief, Chief George Horton, was hired in 1925 as a volunteer firefighter and was promoted to fire chief in 1952. Chief Horton was instrumental in leading the department into both its early expansion and changeover from a volunteer to career fire department.


    The last six volunteers of the Orange City Fire Department retired and the department became a fully paid entity.


    Orange became one of the first fire departments in Orange County to provide emergency paramedic services utilizing personnel from the first paramedic training class to ever be held.